9 Days Kenya Birding  Safari

9 days Kenya Birding Tour: The  9 days Kenya birding safari produce more than 500 bird species like; the Sunbird, the Collard Sunbird, African Goshawk, Palm swift, Baglafetch Weaver,

Join us for 9 days, 8 nights Kenya birding safari with an expert driver guide from Aloyo Safaris as we lookout to find the local bird species. Besides bird watching, you will also be stunned by the incredible game viewing experience in Kenya.

The 9 days Kenya bird watching safari starts from Nairobi National Park where you expect to glimpse Bronze Sunbird, the Collard Sunbird, African Goshawk, Palm swift, Baglafetch Weaver, among others. From here, you will proceed to Lake Elementita to find birds species  like Feral lovebird, Avocet, Klaas’ cuckoo, Glossy ibis, Black heron, Red billed Teal, Black tailed godwit.

Furthermore, you will enjoy both birding and game viewing on a combination of open vehicle game drives, boat cruises, and guided walks in More areas as. Some of the birds you will spot  them form other destinations including , Lake Nakuru, Hell’ Gate, Lake Nakuru,  and Masai Mara.

Detailed Itinerary for 9 Days Kenya Bird watching

Day 1: Nairobi National Park

Following your time of arrival at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport. You will be met by Aloyo Safaris expert driver guide who will brief you about your 9 days  Kenya birding safari.

From here, you will then proceed to Nairobi National Park (also known as  an ornithological haven in the heart of Kenya), where you might encounter common birds like Secretary birds, Rosy-breasted Longclaw, Superb Starling, Lilac-breasted Roller, Martial Eagle, Saddle-billed Stork, Grey Crowned Crane, Southern Ground-hornbill.

Nairobi National Park is a home to approximately 520 bird species while the park’s size is of great importance for other species including Jackson’s Widowbird, The globally threatened Corncrake, Madagascar Pond-Heron, Lesser Kestrel, Corncrake, Jackson’s Widowbird, Red-throated Tit and Shoebill Stork and Basra Reed Warbler have also been seen  within the park.

Soon After you will then transfer to the hotel/lodge for lunch. You can either go back to the Park or, you can opt to go round the city to visit the Nairobi National  Museum, where you have an assurance of seeing other birds like Sunbird, Bronze Sunbird and the Collard Sunbird, African Goshawk, Palm swift, Baglafetch Weaveramong others.

Lunch, Dinner and Overnight stay will be at the Lodge of your preference.

Day 2: Lake Elementita

Rise up early for breakfast, and depart  with the driver guide for Lake Elementita, You will reach in the midmorning hours, so that you can catch up with an incredible morning glimpse of birds such as; the Feral lovebird, Avocet, Klaas’ cuckoo, Glossy ibis, Black heron, Red billed Teal, Black tailed godwit.

Continue then for your lunch at your hotel of Preference at Lake Elementaita .

You will then embark for an afternoon bird walk around the lodge surrounding before time for dinner and overnight. (BLD).

Day 3: Lake Elementaita – Lake Naivasha

Following your morning breakfast,  set off for Lake Naivasha reaching by mid-morning for bird walk before check and lunch at the Lodge. Since Lake Naivasha is near Lake Nakuru and just 65 miles from Nairobi with Freshwater, it  was declared  a bird sanctuary in 1967.

During the search, lookout for bird species like as herons, fish eagles, ospreys, black crakes, and lily-trotters. Lake Naivasha being on the Rift floor hosts an incredible population of species. Over 450 species have been recorded here.

Dinner and overnight stay at Lake Naivasha Lodge.

Day 4: Lake Naivasha – Hell’s Gate National Park

Have breakfast early in the morning and proceed for a bird walk so as to spot a number of birds by the Lake Naivasha shores. Return  to the Lodge to relax and have lunch, after then proceed to visit Hell’s Gate National Park famously known for vultures in Kenya, such as Lammergeyer vultures. You can also be able to spot species like Imperial eagle, Schalow’s wheatear, Chin spot batis among others. Dinner & overnight  at the lodge.

Day 5: Hell’s Gate National Park – Lake Nakuru National Park

Depart for Lake Nakuru very early in the morning after breakfast. Enroute, you will visit  the Thompson’s Falls for a breath-taking view of the great scenery, arriving in time for lunch. Lake Nakuru National Park is famous for the pink  flamingoes, which makes it the Pink heart of Kenya.

In the afternoon, proceed for game drive where you are most likely to spot a number of wildlife like; prides of lion, Cape buffalo, waterbucks, wart hogs, the endangered Rothschild giraffes, the black & white Rhino, the Burchell’s zebra, impalas, and the elusive leopards etc..

Dinner & Overnight rest at the Lodge

Day 6: Lake Nakuru National Park

In addition to Millions of Pink Flaminges, Lake Nakuru is also lnown as a home to more than 300 bird species.

On this day, spend the entire half day watching birds at the Lake Shore. Return for lunch, then embark for another afternoon game drive for watch more wildlife.

Dinner and overnight stay at the lodge.

Day 7: Lake Nakuru National Park – Masai Mara

In the morning, you will proceed to the world’s famous Masai Mara national Reserve, reaching in time for lunch. Relax, and then set off for the afternoon game drive. You will be able to glimpse a number of wild game such as home to the black-manned lion, the savannah elephant, the Cape buffalo, wildebeest, the elusive leopard, cheetah, the spotted & stripped hyena, the rhino, topi, burchelle’s zebra, the Maasai giraffe among others.

Return for Dinner and an overnight rest.

Day 8: Masai Mara Game Reserve

Very early morning, wake for the first game drive, where you will be able to spot a number of birds. Enroute you will be given ample time to record anumber of birds as you learn about them from the guide.

Maasai Mara is the best bird watching spot with over 500 bird species. Birding can be done all year round, but the best time to watch birds in this  region is from November to Aprill when migrants from Europe and North Africa arrive.

These birds include; Little Bittern, Swallows, tens, Hadeda Ibis,  Great Egret, Grey Heron, among others

Dinner and overnight at the lodge

Day 9: Masai Mara – Nairobi

After Breakfast, We bid farewell to Masai mara National reserve with an enroute game drive as we exit, and drive to Nairobi where you will arrive in the afternoon.

End of Trip