5 Days Kenya Birding Safari to Lake Baringo, Naivasha & Nakuru

This safari takes you to Lake Naivasha National Park, Lake Nakuru National Park, and Lake Baringo National Park from Nairobi.

This 5 days Kenya birding tour starts from Nairobi Lake Naivasha which is the second-largest freshwater lake and a birding haven in Kenya to enjoy bird-life in abundance.

Lake Naivasha is located just a few hours a way from Nairobi, and covers a total area of 139 square kilometers The Park is a highly productive and recommendable birding spot with over 450 species inclusive of the East African rift valley Endemics. Birds to expect in lake Naivasha are the saddle-billed stock, Great white pelicans, goliath heron, and the giant kingfishers, also you can encounter others like the Hottentot Teal and Red-billed Teal, Dusky Nightjar, Cape Teal, Pied Avocet, Great White Pelican, Common Greenshank, Ruff, Green Sandpiper, Hilderbrandt’s Francolin, Black Heron, Goliath Heron, Maccoa Duck, Arrow-marked Babbler, African Fish Eagle, Hybrid Lovebird, Red-throated Wryneck, Verreaux’s Eagle, Tawny Eagle, Osprey, Buff-bellied Warbler, Malachite Kingfisher, Pied Kingfisher, Giant Kingfisher, Greater Flamingo, Grey Crowned Crane, Black Cuckoo, Pied Avocet, Blacksmith Plover, Coqui Francolin, Hilderbrandt’s Francolin, African Hoopoe, Lesser Flamingo, Pink-backed Pelican, Black Cuckoo, African Cuckoo, Grey-crested Helmetshrike, Malachite Sunbird or White-backed Duck. Cape Teal, Montane Nightjar, Maccoa Duck, among others.

While Lake Nakuru national park, which is also known as Kenya’s pink Paradise is a notherbecause of the thousands of millions of Pink Flamingoes, is a renowned birding spot with more than 500 recorded species, this avian haven offers a sizeable number of pelican and an abundance of raptors like rare Verreaux’s and the long-tailed eagle among others. Maasai Mara national park offers spectacular moments with over 500 bird species inclusive of the savannah residents and migratory bird species.

Tour highlights for 5 days Kenya Birding Safari

Day 1: Transfer to lake Naivasha

Day 2: Lake Naivasha to Lake Nakuru National Park

Day 3: Lake Nakuru  To Lake Baringo national Park

Day 4: Full Day Lake Baringo National Park

Day 5: Depart For Nairobi

Detailed Itinerary

Day 1: Nairobi – Lake Naivasha

Aloyo Safaris driver guide will pick you up from Nairobi hotel or Jomo Kenyatta international airport. You will be briefed about the 5 days Kenya birding safari to Lake Naivasha National Park, Lake Nakuru National Park, lake Bogoria and lake Baringo then depart for Naivasha passing by the magnificent Rift Valley view points arriving in time for lunch at the lodge.

Thereafter you will continue for the afternoon bird walk. Lake Naivasha is a fresh water lake, that was recognised a bird sanctuary in 1967. Birds you expect to see includes; herons, fish eagles, black crakes, lily trotters among others.

Return for dinner and overnight rest at the Lodge.

Day 2: Lake Naivasha- Lake Nakuru

Have breakfast in the morning and leave for Lake Nakuru National park, the greatest ornithological paradise as described by most avid birders. You will arrive early in  time to catch up with the mid-morning bird walk along the Lake Shores. The park is famous for its millions of pink flamingoes lining on the lake shores. Otherwise, you can enjoy a mid morning game drive game drive enroute to the lodge for lunch.

Your afternoon starts with game drive, then followed by a walk along the shores that will allow you to glimpse numerous wild animals including Black and whit Rhinos and the Rothschild giraffe.

While Birds you may encounter include lesser and greater flamingoes, African fish eagle, tawny eagle, green wood hoopoes, great white and pink backed pelican among others, not forgetting other intra-african migrants.

Dinner and overnight at the Lodge

Day 3: Lake Nakuru- to Lake Baringo


Wake up early for breakfast, then proceed for the  Lake Baringo, with an enroute game drive as you exit Lake Nakuru National park as well as visiting the hot springs and geysers in Lake Bogoria. Upon arrival in the afternoon, you will spend the afternoon at leisure as you wait for full day excursion

Dinner and overnight at the Lodge

Day 4: Lake Baringo


Wake up early for breakfast, then head for a 3 hours boat ride to the mouth of molod river that feeds lake Baringo. You will be able to spot some birds such as the saddle-billed stork, herons, egrets, cormorants, swamp-hens and sand pipers. Return to the Lodge at mid-morning for breakfast,  and return  for birning in the west bay area after lunch, so that you can be able to see birds like the boubous, babblers, gonolek, lapwings, warblers and many species.

Dinner and Overnight at the hotel

Day 5: Lake Baringo to Nairobi

Wake up, have breakfast at leisure then proceed for Nairobi arriving later in the afternoon where you will be dropped at Jomo Kenyatta international airport for your onwards international flight.