Activities(What/Things to do) in Mgahinga National Park.

Activities(What/Things) to do in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park: Mountain Gorilla trekking, Golden Monkey Tracking, Batwa cultural Experience, Birding(Bird Watching), Volcano Climbing, Nature Walks.

Mgahinga Gorilla National Park with a total area size of 33.9 km2  in the southwestern section of Uganda, is the smallest among all other parks in the country. The park is one of the 4 gorilla trekking gems protecting endangered mountain gorillas in the world, after becoming a Uganda National Park in 1991.

mountain Gorilla trekking in Uganda-Activities(What/Things) to do in Mgahinga

Besides Mountain Gorilla trekking, Mgahinga Gorilla National Park,  is also known for Golden monkey tracking & Habituation. Additionally, the park hosts more than 390 bird species, out of which 184 are endemic, which includes, The Ibis, Pin-tailed Whydah, Wax bills, Yellow-vented Bulbul & the beautiful Rwenzori Batis.

Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, also encompasses 3 dormant volcanoes of Muhab(v)ura, Sabyinyo & Maginga, all of which are contiguous with Rwanda’s  Volcanoes National Park, and Virunga National Park in Democratic Republic of Congo.

However, Mgahinga Gorilla National Park Has numerous activities following this itemized guide of activities (things/what to do) in Mgahinga Gorilla national Park.

Mountain Gorilla Trekking Experience in Mgahinga National Park.

Gorilla trekking is the most sought after activity in Mgahinga Gorilla national Park. Mountain gorilla trekking  in the park allows you to visit the Nyakagezi Gorilla family group/troop, and spend 1 full hour of staying up close with them.

The gorilla trekking experience, usually starts in the morning with briefing after presenting all the necessary documents for gorilla trekking of passport/Id and the mountain gorilla trekking permit of that particular day.

The briefing entails all the gorilla trekking rules and regulation and what to expect when in the presence of the gorillas. Thereafter, the trekking group in the company of ranger guides, trekking guides and porters (not included in the safari or permit coat but hired if needed), are led through the tropical forest to look for the gorilla family.

Gorilla trekking schedule is usually unpredictable, that it may take anytime between 1-6 hours depending on how far the gorilla family may have moved from the previous position, the day before.

During the 1 complete hour of interaction, you will learn about how they feed, take videos, photos (camera should not have flashlights), how they feed, breastfeed, among others.

Gorilla trekking in Mgahinga national Park is finalized with a certificate award, upon your success over gorilla trekking.

Golden Monkey Tracking of The Activities(What/Things) to do in Mgahinga

Golden Monkey Tracking/Habituation comes second activity in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, after Mountain Gorilla trekking. Besides Mountain Gorilla trekking experience, Golden Monkey tracking as wells tarts with briefing, very early in the morning , only after registration with certified documents of a valid Passport/ID and a Golden Monkey tracking permit.

Following the Golden Monkey trekking rules & regulations   highlights, you will be led by a ranger guide into the pristine jungle of Mgahinga Gorilla National Park to search for the endangered Golden Monkeys, which may take anytime between 30mins-5 hours, depending on how far they have relocated from their nest the day before.

The trail takes you through the Bamboo leaves, fruits…, and once found, only a maximum of 1 hour will be allowed for face to face interaction with them in their natural habitat.

You will watch them jump from one tree branch to another, feed, play, as you take photos and videos recording all the lifetime moments with them.

Return to the Park headquarters for a certificate for your success upon tracking them.

Batwa Cultural Experience-Activities(What/Things) to do in Mgahinga.

The Batwa Cultural experience, is a Unique opportunity of  interacting with the Batwa Pygmies in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park. The Batwa pygmies are a people who used to inhabit the park’s forest before Mgahinga Gorilla National Park became a Uganda Gorilla National Park in 1991,under the management of Uganda Wildlife Authority.

The Batwa cultural experience is done inside the park, when Batwa pygmies are met by the tourists for an exclusive cultural retreat, under the guidance of a batwa pygmy guide.

Through the experience, Tourist travelers learn the Batwa way of life in the forest dating back in the ancient years, before they were displaced. Other onsite activities include hunting & gathering skills, making fire naturally by friction using bamboo sticks,  seeking out herbal plants that was used in the old days to cure several sicknesses as well as visiting the Sacred Garam Cave, which was one time a home to the Batwa King, and a hiding place during battles and a food store.  Visitors should not forget to hear the Old sorrowful cultural songs and the Dance of the Batwa women among others.

Bird Watching in Mghinga Gorilla National Park

Mgahinga Gorilla National Park protects over 185 species of birds, out of which some are endemic Albertine Rift species,  as well as recorded in the Park namely; The Dusky Turtle Dove, Cape Robin-chat, Brown-crowned Tchagra, Bronze Sunbird, Black-headed Waxbill and Streaky Seedeater, Handsome Francolin, Kivu Ground Thrush and Cinnamon Bracken Warbler, White Starred Robin, Greater Double collard Sunbird, Rwenzori Turaco, Rwenzori Batis, Shelly’s Dusky Crimsonwing, Archer’s Robin Chat, Olive Pigeon, and Black headed waxbill, Western Green Tinker bird, Malachite Sunbird, Cape Robin, White-starred Robin, Brown Woodland Warbler, Striped breasted Tit, Malachite and Scarlet-tufted Sunbirds,  etc.

Bird Watching I Mgahinga National Park is usually done at between 1700 hrs and 1800hrs, under the guidance of experience guide. Booking must be made early, prior to the birding time.

Volcano Climbing/hiking in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park

Mgahinga Gorilla National Park which is contiguous with Volcanoes National Park Rwanda and Virunga National Park Congo covers 3 dormant volcanoes , namely;  Mount Gahinga at 3474m, Mount Sabyinyo at 3669m and Mount Muhab(V)ura at 4127m.

A complete hike to Mount Mgahinga takes 6 hours, which offers  impressive view of the crater filled swamp at the summit and giant Lobelia. Mount Sabyinyo hike from the foothills, takes  about 8 hours to complete, which provides spectacular glimpse of the 3 countries of Uganda, Rwanda & Democratic republic of Congo. While hiking Mount Muhabura on the other hand, takes 8 hours  to complete, and the peak views  include : Lake Edwards, Rwenzori mountain ranges with its peaks.

Nature Walks-Activities(What/Things) to do in Mgahinga

Mgahinga Gorilla National Park Nature walks, provides a way of exploring and discovering the park on foot. Accompanied by park rangers,  and an experienced/professional guide, visitors are led to get up close & personal with numerous mammal species, primates, that inhabit the park. Other creatures the beautiful butterflies, sweet melodies of birds, and taking  beautiful pictures of the park.