Kibira National Park, Location, Activities, Map, Wildlife, Packages

Kibira National Park is located in about 48 kilometers to the north-west side of Bujumbura covering 400 square kilometer, which occupies 4 Burundi Provinces. It is also located on the apex of the beautiful Congo- Nile Range with an elevation range of 1100-2660 meters above sea level. It has the largest rain forest in Burundi together with Nyungwe Forest National Park in Rwanda.

Teza Tea Plantation, Muramvya & Kibira National Park Nature Walk Day Tour

The park overlooks the border of Rwanda and it joins with the vast and yet beautiful Nyungwe forest national park and is also adjacent to two large tea plantations with one on Teza and the other in Rwegura. It is believed up to now to be a home to hundreds of colobus monkeys. There are also a number of chimpanzees present although to see them it’s so difficult.

Facts/History Of Kibira National Park

During the 19th century, this forest was a hunting reserve of the kings of Burundi. The local people respected the forest, investing it with a magical power. Rights of use for livestock grazing and the gathering of forest products were recognized. The sacred character of the forest, even prior to the colonial era, helped to conserve it. Between 1933 and 1980, Kibira National Park was classified as the Congo-Nile Ridge Forest Reserve, first under Belgian rule, then after Burundian Independence in July 1962. Only the extraction of high-value timber was regulated and controlled.

Kibira National Park lies on top of the mountains of the Congo-Nile Divide. It is estimated that around 16% of the park consists of primary Montane rainforest, the only forest in all of Burundi and is adjacent to two large tea plantations, one in Teza and the other in Rwegura. A total of 544 plants are found in the park and the dominant tree species include Symphoniaglobulifera, Newtoniabuchananii, Albiziagummifera and Entandrophragmaexcelsum. The forest contains areas of montane bog and bamboo stands.

Wildlife In Kibira National Park

There are 98 species of mammal in the forest and 200 species of birds have been recorded down. The Kibira is a habitat to a number of primate species, including chimpanzees and black and white colobus monkeys, baboons. The park is home for birds such as Great Blue Turaco, Mountain Buzzard (Buteooreophilus), White-spotted Flufftail (Sarothrurapulchra), Grey Parrot (Psittacuserithacus), Bar-tailed Trogon (Apalodermavittatum) and the Black-and-white-casqued Hornbill (Bycanistessubcylindricus). The forest, the rivers and streams that flow through it, support animals the above mentioned animals.
Despite the fact that Kibira has not been as thoroughly studied as some of its neighboring protected areas, it is still considered ‘the most important site in Burundi for the conservation of montane-forest birds.

Activities  In Kibira National Park

Cultural encounters

While in Kibira National Park, travelers get to visit the pygmies village of Buseka from where they get introduced to the way of life of the locals who dwell there. The pygmies demonstrate their way of social life through traditional dances, songs, their preparation of local food, dressing attires thereby giving travelers a wider knowledge of a different people and their culture.

Bird watching

The park is labelled as an important birding area in Burundi. It has about 200 species that can be seen while on a bird watching activity. Travelers are encouraged to have bird guides and binoculars such that they can see a large number of birds. Among them that tourists can spot while on a bird watching safari include the mountain buzzard, white spotted fluff tail, grey parrots, the great blue turaco and the black and white squeaked hornbill.

Guided nature walks

This is a great way to explore the park and learn of its most hidden treasures like small rivers and waterfalls. These help travelers to see more of the park that they might have missed

Game viewing

This activity is wonderful to travelers stepping out to see various mammals that call the park a home. Some of the animals to see include chimps, black and white colobus monkeys, baboons to mention but a few.
The water from the forests of the Kibira National Park account for over three-quarters of the water that goes into the country’s largest dam, which generates half of the hydroelectric energy generated in the country.