Facts About Lake Mburo National Park

Lake Mburo National Park   was first conserved as a hunting area  in 1933, and  in 1963,  it became a game reserve. The Banyankole, also known for herding Ankole cattle, were  the first inhabitants , who were displaced when the Lake Mburo National Park, achieved its status in 1983.

The park was upgraded by  the government of Obote, so as to weaken the Banyankole who supported the Anti-Obote rebels. As a result,  about 300000 people, at that time lost their lives  to the then Uganda Bush war, hence leading to Operation Bonanza massacre.

In 1985,  the former residents, overcame the second Obote regime, and took over and re-occupied the Park’s land,  as well as getting rid of all the staff, demolishing infrastructures and eliminating all the wildlife among others. The National Resistance  Movement, managed to re-establish a small section of the original Park land into a national park in 1986.

Until Now,  the park still  consists of a few outstanding cultural  testaments, that tourists can easily engage in, such as Rubanga-where  sacrifices were made in the past; Ruroko- home of the Bchwezi then; and Kigarama which housed the King’s servants.


Lake Mburo National Park, which is situated, just 4 hours away  by road from Kampala town, offers the best wildlife watching experience, due to the absenteeism of the Large animals, including Elephants, Lions,  Leopards, Rhinos & the Buffaloes.

The park  is a suitable break stop for one overnight for any long Ugandan safari, as it offers numerous game during the day.  Thanks  to the excellent lodge facilities established in the area, the re-introductions of Giraffes omg others, has embraced the park’s appearance, hence leading to the increase in the number of visitors flocking inn.

Lake  Mburo, which is the largest of the 14 lakes found within Lake Mburo National Park, stands out to be the key attraction. All the 14 Lakes are fed by one major Rwizi River, and linked by several permanent & seasonal marshes. The remaining sections of the park encompasses open savannah & acacia woodland. The half section of the Park to the West, comprising of the rocky slopes and the wooded gorges is covered with Savannah, papyrus swamp & small bands of pristine riparian woodland along the ends of different lakes.

The attractive animals notable to Lake Mburo National Park among others include: Zebras, Impalas, Antelopes topi, bushbuck, common duiker, Oribi, Defassa waterbuck, Bohor reedbuck.

Additionally, the luxuriant surrounding  protects strong populations of  Buffaloes, Warthog, bushpig, & hippopotamus, while Elands, impalsa & antelpoes remain the most common sights spotted along the park’s walking routes. Sitatungas are mostly occupy the swamp areas, and the occasional Kilpspringers on the rocky regions.

Lake Mburo also has; leopard herds, side strpped jackals, jackals, white tailed mongoose, spotted hyenas among others.