Things (What/Activities) To Do in Murchison Falls National Park

Best safari Activities/Things to do in Murchison falls National Park. The top safari activities in Murchison Falls National Park are game drives, Boat cruise, Bird-watching, Chimpanzee tracking/habituations and guided nature walks. While other minor activities include spot fishing, hot air balloon safaris, Top of the falls Hike.

Murchison Falls national park is the oldest and largest wildlife safari National Park in the Northwestern Part of Uganda. The park was gazetted in 1952, and covers a total area of 3840 square kilometers. The park has a range of vegetation types like; Riverine forest, woodland, Savannah grasslands and swamps.

Murchison falls National park is an all round safari park to be visited, although the best months to visit run from December to March and between June to September. This is when the temperatures are hot, and it is easier to spot animals, because the vegetation is thinner and most wildlife gather around waterhole to drink from.

While the rainy season also known as the low season which runs between March to May, and  October to November, makes it hard to view wildlife because of the lush green nature of the landscape. Most tracks through the park  in this season are muddy, and slippery which makes it hard for the vehicles to navigate through, yet it is also a great season for birding and those who would love discounted rates on accommodations.

Since the Park is equatorial, the  temperatures are favorable throughout the year, for most of the activities to be done. As listed below

Points to put across:

Murchison falls National Park became a world heritage site in 1991 and is on the list of Uganda wildlife Authority.

7 Best Things (Activities) You Can Do in Murchison Falls National Park

Game drives:

Murchison Falls National park  offers best wildlife viewing  on either morning game drives, afternoon game drives or Night game drives. All game drives are conducted in  open roof 4WD safari vehicles, by the help of either a tour or ranger guide.


Getting To Murchison Falls National Park

Wild game to look out for include Elephants, Buffaloes, Oribi, Bushbucks, Jackson’s hertbeests, Uganda kobs, warthogs, Giraffes, Leopards, Lions,  dikdik among others.

Boat cruise/Launch cruise:

Murchison falls offers two  kinds of boat trips to be enjoyed by all wildlife enthusiasts, that is from Upstream to the bottom of the falls, and the other, downstream to the Victoria Nile Delta which extends to the shores of Lake Albert.

boat cruise in Murchison Falls National Park

Bottom of the falls boat trips are organized either in the morning at 9:00 am or in the afternoon at 2:00pm, with each having  taking between 2-3 hours, while  the Nile Delta boat trips are also organized within the same sessions but for longer hours between 4-5 hours.

All Launch trips offer breathtaking views of the Murchison falls, and a cance to see animals in and at the banks of the Rive like many croccodiles in water, elephants,  Buffaloes, Uganda Kob, Waterbucks, warthogs, Large schools of hippos in water,  whereas the birds include Shoebill stork, African Jacana, Saddle Billed Stork, Open billed stork, grey headed kingfisher, Africa fish eagle, Senegal thick knee, Swamp flycatcher, blue headed coucal among others.

Bird Watching in Murchison Falls national park

Murchison Falls National Park protects over 450 recorded species of birds which comprises of Migratory birds, Albertine rift endemic birds, Savannah birds and Water birds.

Birding in Murchison Falls National Park-things to do

Many of these birds are spotted during game drives,  guided nature walks, and boat cruise along the Nile delta or to the bottom of the falls. Birds to look out for, in Murchison Falls National Park includes; King Fisher, Shoebill stork, black headed lapwing, yellow fronted tinker bird, black billed barbet, Long tales night jar, yellow fronted tinkerbird, weaver birds, long toad plover, Abyssinian ground hornbill among others.

Chimpanzee trekking in Murchison Falls national park

Chimp trekking is in Budongo forest is done twice each day, with the first one early in the morning at 0700 hrs, and the other in the afternoon at 1500rs.

Chimpanzee tracking at the Kaniyo Pabidi eco-site, kickstarts with briefing about the chimpanzee rules and regulations, then with a help of an experienced ranger guide, you will be lead through the forest to search for them, and spend at most 1 hour in their presence upon finding them.

The 1 hour period allowed to observe the chimpanzees, provides great opportunities for you to watch them play, feed, breastfeed, hunt, fight while you take memorable photos with them

During trekking, chances are that you might encounter other primates, plants and bird species

Guide nature Walks or Hiking in Murchison Falls national Park

Nature walks in the Muchison falls national Park are mostly done in Rabongo forest and Kaniyo pabidi, only with the help of a ranger guide. These walks always bring all nature lovers up close and personal with the park surrounding,  all wildlife species, and birds. Given that they are done on foot, clients encounter species like Chimpanzees, black and white monkeys, red tailed monkeys, more bird species.

On the other hand, Visitors can also opt to hike to the top of the falls in, which is usually done after the launch cruise at the bottom of the falls. The top of falls hike often range between 45-60 minutes daily due to the difference in ones ability to climb and the level of fitness. Upon reaching at the top, Visitors are amazed by the attractive views  of the scenery, as well as listening to the Nile waters as it squeezes itself through a 7m gorge.

Sport fishing.

Sport fishing is an incredible activity done on the Victoria Nile which  takes place  from 0900hrs in the morning to 1600hrs late afternoon. These fishimng sessions are done best  above and below the falls . The fish species to be caught are among others Tilapia, catfish, mudfish, Tigerfish, Nile perch.

All visitors who want to participate are requested to come handy with their fishing gadgets.

Hot Air balloon safaris

Hot air balloon wildlife safaris in Murchison falls National Park showcases impressive views of the whole Park. Travelers are also able to view many animals within the Park at ariel view.