Tourists Attractions In Mgahinga National Park

Top Attractions/Sights In Mgahinga Gorilla National Park: The endangered Mountain Gorillas, Golden Monkeys, Batwa Pigmies, the Batwa pigmies, and 3 dormant volcano of; Mount Muhab(v)ura,  Mount Sabyinyo & Mount Gahinga, and the Ngarama Cave.

Mgahinga Gorilla National Park is Uganda’s smallest National Park, with a total area of 33.9 km2. The park is located in the southwestern region of the country, and can be easily accessed by both road and Air from Kamapla/Entebbe International Airport. Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, is Open all year round for visitors to visit, although the dry months of June, July, August, September, December, January & February are determined to be the best months/time to visit the Park, due to the dry trails, less rainfall.

Details of the Top Attractions/Sights In Mgahinga Gorilla National Park

Mountain Gorillas

mountain gorillas in Mgahinga National Park-Top Attractions/Sights In Mgahinga

Mgahinga Gorillas National Park,  after Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is known for Mountain Gorilla trekking. The park , though shares a border with Rwanda’s Volcanoes national Park and Congo’s Virunga National Park , shares its Endangered  Mountain Gorillas of about 604 individuals.

The lush green vegetation provides an ideal home for the Mountain Gorillas, and only one family, the Nyakagezi Gorilla group has been habituated for visitors to track.

Golden Monkeys

Top Attractions/Sights In Mgahinga

Apart from the thrilled Mountain Gorilla trekking in Mgahinga Gorilla trekking in Uganda, Visitors also have  an alternative attraction to visit on their Uganda Tour- the Golden Monkeys.  The rare Golden Monkeys, which hold the conservation status of endangered, are found in the Bamboo forest of the Virunga massifs.  The Goden Monkley live in wide groups of 62 individuals, and are always playful, and fascinating to watch. The group is led and safe guarded by an Alpha Male.

Other Animals

Apart from the renowned mountain Gorillas, and the Golden Monkeys, Mgahinga National Park  is still a home to about 76 mammal species that are rare to see including; Forest Elephants, Forest buffaloes, Bushpigs, Giant forest hogs, bushbucks, side striped jackals, Golden cats, Black fronted duikers, South African Porcupines.


Mgahinga Gorilla National Park has more than 184 Unique bird species, which are endemic to the Albertine Rift. Some of these birds can be spotted during your Ugand Bird Watching Safari which includes: African Olive Pigeon, Alpine swift, Arcer’s robin-chat, Blue headed coucal, Dusky xrimsonwing, kivu ground thrush, moorland chat, olive woodpecker, Ruwenzori batis, Ruwenzori nightjar, Ruwenzori Turaco, Scarlet-tufted malachite sunbird.

Virunga Volcanoes

Mgahinga Gorilla National park encompasses 3 out of 8 volcanoes in the Virunga Massif. The three dormant mountains  of Sabyinyo at 3669m, Muhab(v)ura at 4127m, and Gahinga at 3474m, are clearly view and hiked from the Ugandan side during any Uganda safari to Mgahinga Gorilla national Park.


Mgahinga Gorilla National Park comprises of 6 vegetation zones; The lowerslopes are characterized by wild herbs, and shrubs which favors the smalls mammals hiding from predators, and search for food in the undergrowth. The montane forest grow up to an altitude of 3200m, whose ground cover is made up of grasses, mosses, lichen & liverwort.

Over the montane forest belt, is the bamboo zone, that runs from the western boundary of mount Sabyinyo to the lower slopes of Gahinga volcano.

The Bamboo is concentrated within 1800m(5900ft) and 3300m(10800ft), and is moderately known to protect both the endangered mountain gorillas & Golden Monkey.

Above all, Maghinga  Gorilla National Parks climate supports the sub-alpine belt, which is splits into Afro-montane belt and the moorland zone. The Afro-Alpine belt is defined as the giant senecio & Lobelia species.

Mammals are found here (although rare), yet small rodents may be spotted scurryin as they look for insects, while butterflies fly over several flowers.

The Batwa Pygmies.

A visit to Mgahinga Gorilla National park for either Mountain Gorilla tracking, or golden monkey tracking, can also be incorporated with an ultimate cultural experience with the Batwa Pymies. The pygmies who once lived in the forest of the Mgahing Gorilla National Park, are now found at the footslopes of the Park and have varieties of cultural activities and stories to showcase.

The Garama Cave

The garama cave is an importan tourist attraction in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, that cannot be missed by all tourists visiting the park. The  Garama cave was once a home to the king of the Batwa, a refuge during battles and a food store after raiding their neighbors.