How to get to Virunga National Park

Getting to Virunga National Park is by road or Air/Flight from Uganda & Rwanda and by water from Bukavu port to Goma Port.With Necessary documents (passports, Visa & Congo gorilla trekking permit), Visitors can easily get to Virunga National Park.

Virunga National Park is situated 15 minutes by road from  Goma, and 3 ¼ hours from  Rwanda’s Kigali international Airport.All visitors getting to Virunga National Park often fly into Kigali international Airport, then after opt to either use road or flight to Goma.

Getting To Virunga national Park By Road:

By road, one can get to Virunga National Park,  from either Uganda and Rwanda.

It takes a 3 hours drive by road (4×4) from Kigali international Airport to Gisenyi Rwanda Border, to cross to Goma’s Grand Barrière border, where documents will be examined. The best way to get to Goma by road is through Rwanda.  The visitors  to Virunga National Park, are then escorted from/to Goma by Virunga security, as well as check in with the  tourism office in Grande barrier border building.

While accessing Virunga National Park, will require one to drive to Kisoro town for an overnight enroute, then cross through Bunagana, on the Uganda Congo border

How to get to Virunga National Park or getting there

Getting to Virunga National Park By Air:

There are various flights landing into Kigali international Airport in Rwanda, and if you would opt to fly to Goma for a specific  safari package, then opt for flights that land in Kigali International Park Rwanda by 8:00am, so as to cross to Goma for prior preparation  for the next day tours.

Scheduled flights into the Democratic Republic of Congo,  land at Goma international Airport. The Ethiopian  Airlines operate daily flights to the named airport, which is the fastest, secure and convenient way  to Connect to Virunga, without sight seeing Rwanda.

While those who are not ready to be driven from Kampala to Kisoro town, can board a flight from Kajjansi to Kisoro, thereafter, it takes 30 minutes  reach Virunga national Park, by crossing via the Bunagana border to Virunga.

It is therefore recommended, that each traveler, must book accommodations in Goma, on the day of arrival, because flights are often delayed.

Upon arrival,  all visitors, have to check in  for their  package at the tourism office, which is situated in the DRC building of Grande Barrier. All departures and returns  are  done from the main office.

Getting to Virunga  By Water

Transferring to Goma, from  Bukavu is done daily by boat, therefore if one is trekking gorillas in Virunga from Kahuzi Biega, one can  opt for a 3 hours boat ride, at $50, then connect to Virunga Mountains National Park for Gorilla trekking.

Otherwise, one can opt for the 7 hours ferry ride from Bukavu to Goma, which then requires accommodation to be booked in Goma, so as to set off very early for an activity early the next day.

However, all ground transportation  to the park departs and returns to  Virunga National Park. That is:

To Nyiragongo – arrive Grande Barrier at 7:00am and must check into the tourism office at the latest 8:00am

To Mikeno Mist-you must arrive at Grande Barrier at 10:30am and must check into the tourism office at the latest 11:15am.

To Tchegera – the boat will leave the dock at 12:30 and return at 13:30.

Please note, failure to arrive at the require times will mean that your tourist will not be able to travel on their package that day and could result in the loss of the full booking with no refund.

Travel documents required to travel to  Virunga National Park Congo

All travelers must have a valid passport, valid yellow fever card, a visa and  a valid Gorilla trekking permit. It is usually advised to acquire a Congo tourist Visa at least 1 month in advance, before the entry date. A congo tourist visa costs $105 for a period of 14 days, which is  cheaper compared to the Democratic Republic Of Congo travel Visa at $225.