Kibale Forest National Park, Facts, Vegetation, Wildlife

Kibale National Park encompasses one of the greatest variety and concentration of primates in Africa. It is home to an enormous number of endangered chimpanzees, as well as the red colobus monkey and the intriguing L’Hoest’s monkeys

Kibale Forest National Park-popularly known as “the primate capital of the world” is in the Western Uganda. The park is 795 square kilometers in area, was gazetted in 1932, and established in 1993. The park joins with queen Elizabeth on a180km wildlife corridor.

Since the park is Africa’s most dominant ecotourism and primate safari destination,  protecting the largest concentration of habituated chimpanzees and twelve other species of primates, Kibale Forest national Park is home to 13 species of primates.

Get an ultimate guide to Kibale Forest Park which encompasses how to get there, When to Visit, attractions, Chimpanzee tracking guide, Chimpanzee permit cost , what to wear and the chimpanzee tracking or chimpanzee habituation rules and regulations.


Kibale Forest national Park is located just 5 hours’ drive from Kampala, the capital city of Uganda,  for an agreed distance of 348km; 26km southeast of the spectacular Fort portal  town, but also takes 6 hours drive from Queen Elizabeth National Park, Rwenzori Mountains National Park , Semuliki National Park and Toro Semuliki wildlife reserve. The park is also situated near the quiet Nadali Kasender crator.

Vegetation Areas In Kibale National Park

The park’s vegetation is characterized by the moist evergreen forest, (wet tropical forest) along the Fort Portal plateau, the dry tropical forest (moist semi deciduous), and the woodland as well as the  savanna on the rift valley floor. The middle part, around Kanyanchu, consists of the mixture of evergreen trees and deciduous with the evergreen species being dominant., and the undergrowth is sparse. Thus, about 351 tree species have been registered in the park.

Wildlife In Kibale National Park

Kibale  Forest national Park comprises of  13 distinguished primate species, which names it the best park with the highest concentration of primate in the universe, most of which are the Chimpanzees, hence counting up to 1450 individuals.

Adding to it,the Park, also harbors other primate species like the common  L’Hoest’s monkeys, largest concentration of the endangered red colobus monkeys, the black & white colobus, red tailed monkeys, blue monkeys, olive baboons, grey cheeked mangabeys, bush babies and  potto among other primates.

However, it is also believed that, the National Park is also a home to the rarely seen wildlife like buffaloes, leopards, bush pigs, elephants, and duikers.  While keen viewers may encounter some amphibians, reptiles and a variety of colorful butterflies.

How to get to Kibale National Park

Getting to Kibale Forest national Park, can be reached through Mubende, from Kampala to Fort Portal.  The park is located just 26 km southeast of Fort portal town, can easily be accessed through two routes, between which the shorter one is most preferred and measures upto 300km on tarmac to Fort portal, plus an additional 36km of murram to Kanyanchu Visitor’s center, which amounts to 336km distance, by road. Read More


When To Visit kibale National Park

Kibale Forest national Park can be visited all year round, although the best time to visit Kibale national Park is during the dry months between June to September and December to February.

Best time to go to Kibale for Chimpanzee trekking

The Northern region, which is considered wettest area receives about 1700mn amount of rainfall yearly, especially between the months of March to May and September to November. The climate is usually pretty good with an average annual temperature range between 14C to 27C. While the southern part of the park experiences the greatest temperatures and lower amounts of rains where the terrain drops onto the hot rift valley floor and forest leads to open grassland.Read More

Activities In  Kibale National Park

How to Get to Kibale National Park

The major activities in Kibale National Park includes, Chimpanzee trekking, Chimpanzee habituation, while the minior ones include Hiking and Nature walks, Nocturnal forest walk, Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary walk, Crater lakes Top of the hike World Hike, the Amabere caves,  The nakayima the Witch’s tree among others Read More

Safari Lodges

Kibale Forest national Park is surrounded by  a number lodges in and around it, which have been categorized into budget, mid-range and luxury such as; Rwenzori View Guest House, Kibale Forest Camp, Lake Nkuruba Nature reserve, Nyinabulitwa country resort & safari camp, Mountains of the moon, chimps nest, Chimpanzee Forest guest house, Papaya Lake Lodge, Kyaninga Lodge, Crater safari Lodge,  Primate Lodge, Ndali Lodge, Isunga Lodge among others.