Activities in Rwenzori Mountains National Park

Things to do in Rwenzori mountains national Park are majorly: Mountain treks, Nature walks, Forest walks, Bird watching, cultural experience & Water Falls Treks


things to do in Rwenzori Mountains National Park

Nestled in South Western Uganda, Rwenzori Mountains National Park sits in 3 Districts of Bundibugyo, Kabaraole and Kasese.  The park joins with Virunga National Park at the Uganda-Congo Border, spanning an approximate area of 386 sq mi (1000 km2).

Rwenzori Mountains National Park is conserved by the Uganda National Parks, due to numerous top attractions of; 6 mountain ranges, Albertine Rift endemic bird species in abundance of 89,  distinct mammal species( among others  forest elephant, chimpanzee, hyrax, black-and-white colobus, L’Hoest’s monkeys, Ruwenzori duiker), etc…

However, the Mountains Of the Moon in Rwenzori National Park, is mainly celebrated for its 3rd highest peak in Africa,  yet  it still offers memorable activities (things/ what to do), for a lifetime memory.

What/Things to Do (Activities) in Rwenzori Mountains National Park

Rwenzori Mountains National park’s activities (what/things to do) include Mountain Climbing, Birding Watching, Guided nature walks, cultural encounters, Wildlife viewing as comprehensively discussed below:


Mountain Climbing.

Climbing To The Top Of Margherita
Mountain or Volcano climbing to  is the major top notch activity in Rwenzori Mountains National Park. Rwenzori Mountains encompasses a chain of 6 Mountains including, Mount Stanley, Mount Baker, Mount Speke, Mount Gessi, Mount EminMount Luigi – di- Savoia, yet the Margherita peak is the major forcus of every adventure traveler visiting, because of its 3rd ranked position of Africa’s Highest Peaks, after the 1st  position of  Kilimanjaro’s Uhuru peak and Mount Kenya’s 2nd position.

Climbing/trekking these mountain ranges, follows two renown Central circuit & Kilembe trail routes, yet the less known Bukurungu route is a perfect much for those who prefer camping on their own. All routes comprises of all the 5 vegetation Zones offering unique scenic ambiance of glacial lakes, pristine valleys, impressive view points.

The distinct mountain ranges can take at least 5 days to climb, but a 7 days Rwenzori trek on either routes  from the base to any peak, without departures & return, is the best way to experience the Mountain.

Mountain Climbing is offered by majorly two service  providers, that is, Rwenzori Trekking Services for Kilembe trail route, and Rwenzori Mountaineering Services, under  which Aloyo Safaris operates as a trusted tour Operator.

Guided Nature Walks/Hikes

Guided nature walks at the base of the 6 mountains in the Rwenzori Massif gives an opportunity to wholly explore and discover breathtaking features Rwenzori Mountains National Park, has to offer, such  as: Mahoma Lake, Buraro Chimp forest. Others can opt to walk through  serene communities from Kichambe to Karngura ridge, Bundibugyo area to Bwamba pass.

Other nature walks of various lengths,  through other communities offer beautiful views of  Ruboni & Turaco. These routes provide  unique spots of attractions of Mubuku River, Mount Baker, as well as Portal peaks as they climb up to 2300m above sea level. While, it may also take just a day’s nature walk to provide spectacular glimpse of the snow capped Margherita Peaks.

Bird Watching in Rwenzori Mountains National Park

Rwenzori Mountains National Park  was gazetted   a top bird watching destination by UNESCO. The montane forest, of the park is key area which protects numerous bird species, among others: the African Long-eared Owl, Archers’ Robin-chat, Barbets, Barred Long-tailed Cuckoo, Blue-headed Sunbird, Cinnamon-chested Bee-eater, Collared Apalises, Crimson wings, Dusky and Shelley’s Crimsonwings, Dwarf Honeyguide, Evergreen Forest and Bamboo Warblers, Flycatchers, Golden-winged sunbirds, Scarlet-tufted Malachite Sunbirds, Birdwatching in Rwenzori MountainsGolden-winged Sunbird, Grauer’s Cuckoo-shrike, Greenbuls, Grey-chested Illadopsis, Grey-winged Robin, Handsome Francolin, IIladopsis, Kivu Ground Thrush, Lagden’s Bush-Shrike, Lammergeiger, Long-eared Owl, Montane Masked, Montane Rwenzori Nightjar, Montane Sooty Boubou, Olive Woodpecker, Oriole-Finch, Red-faced Crimsonwing, Red-faced Woodland Warbler, Red-thighed Sparrowhawk, Red-throated Alethe, Regal and Purple-breasted Sunbirds, Rwenzori Batis, Rwenzori Batis, Rwenzori Turaco, Slender-billed Starling, Strange Weaver, Stripe-breast Tit, Western Green Tinkerbird, White-collared Olive-back and White-starred Robin…

Cultural Experience

Visiting Rwenzori Mountains National Park for a cultural experience allows you to have an awe-inspiring moment with one or two of the local tribes at the foots hills of the Rwenzori Mountains.

Rwenzori Mountains is the source of Life To The Local people

The Bakonzo people living within the Ruboni community, usually share their  daily life etiquettes with visitors who visit  to learn about their history. Through this session, they also incorporate their traditional dance performance, hunting skills, among others. Another thrilling moment is during the Bulemba-Ihandiro Cultural Trail exploration, which offers an exhilarating cultural experience of visiting a traditional healer, local blacksmiths, as well as visiting local museum of the Bakonzo traditional Museum.  The  museum contains  a set of traditional items of cultural and historical importance to the Bakonzo (Rwenzururu), such as art pieces and locally hand-made dresses.

2nd September each year,  is an annual event celebrated by the Bakonzo  to remember their greatest  King Isaiah Kibanzanga Mukirania, who once protectd his people from being oppressed by the  Batooro. This day is made colorful  with celebrations, sacred rites and sacrifices in remembrance of the great king.

Forest and Foothill Trekking:

Visitors who are inexpert mountaineers, can opt for a walk at the foothills of the forest. Visitors will have the opportunity of hand fishing on the smalls streams along the mountain hills, as well as  searching for the three horned chameleon in the forest.