4 Days Rwenzori Waterfalls Circuit Trekking Via Kilembe Trail Route

4 Days Waterfalls circuit trek provides a 4 day Rwenzori trekking to over 6 waterfalls of Rwenzori National Park, via Kilembe trail route. This 4 day Rwenzori trekking leads you to some of the magnificent waterfalls including: Enocks Falls nearby Sine Camp, Samalira Falls (5 falls) closeby Samalira Camp, Cathy’s Falls, Nyamwamba Falls (at 52 metres high), Ajarova Falls, Plozza Falls, Bridal Falls  falls among others, plus several rapids.

The cost of the 4 days trekking Rwenzori Waterfalls circuit is $685  per person for 1 person, and $620 per person for 2 pax and above. The all-inclusive price covers in camps, all meals & porters whilst in Rwenzori Mountains National Park.


Day 1: Trek From Trekkers Hostel at 1,450 meters To Sine Hut at 2,596 meters

Day 2:Trek From Sine Hut Via Kalama To Samalira Camp

Day 3:Ascend  higher to see various waterfalls, descend down to Forest View Camp

Day 4:From Forest View Camp, Slope down through Nyamwamba camp To the park gate

Detailed Itinerary For the 4 days Waterfalls Circuit trail Rwenzori Trek

Day 1: Trek From Trekkers Hostel at 1,450 meters To Sine Hut at 2,596 meters

Start at Trekkers at 1,450 meters and sleep at Sine Hut at 2,596 meters being a height gain of 1,146 meters.

We start by walking up the valley floor through tall forest trees of the Afro Montane Forest Zone. This is a steady climb with multitudes of birds and a chance of seeing blue monkeys scampering off through the forest. At times visitors may see troupes of 15 to 20 black and white Colobus monkeys as they swing through the tree tops. There are rare sightings of the L’Hoest monkey which are part of the Bukonzo cultural emblems and are protected by the virtue of the King or Omusinga or you may hear wild chimpanzee in the distance. There is wide variety of plant species from forest trees to bamboos thickets, low shrubs, flowers, fungi, and with many moss and lichen covered vines hanging from the tall trees creating an awesome appeal. Enock’s Falls are just 200 meters from Sine Hut and offer a splendid opportunity to capture a great screensaver for your memories.

At Sine Camp 2,596 metres we have wooden huts set between tall forest trees on a narrow ridge where you may sit and enjoy the beauty of the Afro Montane forest while you look down at a fantastic waterfall crashing over the rocks far below. Some clients prefer to sit outside enjoying the warmth of the campfire and chat to the guides about the mountains and life in their community. Sine is just below the bamboo zone and the area around has many different bird species. 150 meters from the camp is Enock falls which is set in livid green vegetation and hanging vine. Truly beautiful. Sleep at Sine, or those who are fit and want to proceed to Kalama Camp at 3,134 metres may do so and apart from the fantastic views gives you more time at Mutinda Camp where you may climb up to Mutinda Lookout at 3,975 metres.

Day 2:Trek From Sine Hut Via Kalama To Samalira Camp

After a good breakfast, trekking starts at 8.30am and you enter the Bamboo-Mimulopsis Zone which is steep climb with many high steps. In the wet season the bamboo zone is rather muddy and slippery making the going slow.

However the atmosphere and the forest is beautiful as you climb 551 metres altitude and a distance of 2km to Kalalama Camp at 3,147 meters which is in the Heather-Rapanea Zone where you can take a rest and a cup of tea or coffee and a snack before heading more up the valley across the side to the hill, past some spectular moss covered waterfalls to to a large bog where you will see the Giant Lobelia and their magnificant flowers.

After enjoying the Lobelia you will return to Kalalama Camp for lunch. After lunch you will then cross along the top of the ridgethrough sunningly beautiful Giant Heather tress to Samalaira Camp at 3,170 metres. Along the way you will cross two small steams which are really beautiful.

When you reach Samalira Camp you can rest for a while and may decide to follow the path to the botom of Samalira Falls which fall down a narrow valey lined with Giand Heather tress to create a spetcular scene. A hundred metres from the camp you can get relaible network on Airtel and may like to sit a catch up on a few messgaes of emails.

Day 3:Ascend  higher to see various waterfalls, descend down to Forest View Camp

The trail from Samalira Camp climbs 200 metres in hieght to pass over a ridge before descendinging down down a long valley to the Nyamwamba Valley and Cathy’s Falls which particually after heavy rain are truly spectular. A few kilometres downstream the river drops intop a deep valey. These group of waterfalls were first discovered in August 2020 by John Hunwick who found himself locked down in the National Park during the first Covid lockdown and spent his time exploring new areas and new ideas for trails.

The first falls here is Nyamwamba Falls which has a total hieght of 52 metres and a deep pool at the bottom where you may swim, For the nest 600 metres the river drops rapidily down a series of rapids to Ajarova Falls and Plozza Falls.

John named the third set of falls after his mother Kathleen Plozza and also to the spirit of John’s Great Great Grandfather Antonio Plozza 1850 – 1923 who lived high up on the mountainside of the lower Poschavio valley on the Swiss Italian border near Tirano and who loved walking and exploring the mountains. Otherlooking Plozza Falls there is a covered platform where you can view the falls and have a small snack before proceeding. Below Plozza Falls there are more waterfalls ending with the Bridal Falls where the water flows over a large flat rock to create an effect simular to a brides veil.

Half way down these falls the bamboo zone starts creating an amazing atmosphere with the mist from the falls feeding the moss covered bamboo and evergreen grasses and herbs which the Rwenzori Duiker feed on. It is common to see Duiker along this section and is home to the Rwenzori leopard which is rather dark in color and only found in the Rwenzori mountains

The forest along this section is magnificent and full of life with many birds, primates, duikers and hyrax. When you reach Forest View Camp at 2,580 metres above sea level where we sleep for the night.


Day 4:From Forest View Camp, Slope down through Nyamwamba camp To the park gate

The trail from Forest View Camp descends down through tall forest trees and along ridges with some great views of the valley below. At the bottom of the steeper section you come across Nyamwamba Camp at 1,973 metres where you will stop for a snack and drinks before continuing down a gentle slope tp the park offices and back to Kilembe.